Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here is a picture of the dining room at the Metropol Hotel where the mission president's seminar was held.

Here is a picture looking down into the subway. It is a long way down to some of the stations.

We had dinner with a wonderful couple. He is a councilor in the branch presidency. She is not yet a member of the Church but we hope she will feel the spirit.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The senior missionaries had a service project where we went to a care center for older people. We took them some goodies and sang songs for them, one in russian even. It was a very rewarding experience and was appreciated by the people there. One lady said I hope you have twice the blessings you brjought to us today.
We are all God's children.

Monday, February 2, 2009

We enjoyed a session and the temple followed by lunch there. It was a great trip.

A little lake at the park in Madrid. Statue in Background on the Right. Above same park at sunset.
Us with Don Quixote in Toledo.

Mom flirting with Sancho Panza, Don Quixote's sidekick.

Toledo from rop of one of the Churches. Cathedral seen in middle.